Science has recently discovered three startling new possibilities regarding how we think, feel, love, heal and find meaning in our life. This research suggest that the heart thinks, cells remember, and that both of these processes are related to an as yet mysterious, extremely powerful, but very subtle energy with properties unlike any other known force…tentative steps to understanding more about what shamans, kahuna, priests, spiritual leader, and healers from ancient traditional medicine have been teaching about for centuries - the energy of the human spirit and the coded information that is the human soul.

- Paul Pearsall, Ph.D, The Heart’s Code (1999)

Since 1999, science, psychology, and modern-day spirituality have indeed found that the esoteric and mystical traditions are intrinsically connected and represented in these previously perceived ‘separate’ fields of study. In fact, they are templates of the same key concepts. Let’s begin with the science that supports them. In layer two we’ll simplify them so that you can begin imagining how they show up in your life and the different points of access they offer you to understanding the nature of you and your Universe - how the sacred looks from different perspectives. The third layer offers you the esoteric underpinning of this work.

LAYER 1: Key Energetic Concepts Inspiring This Work

What are the concepts that are relevant to the content and intention of this website? Let’s start with energetic principles that have been largely confirmed by science as measurable (though some of the words, i.e. chakras, stem from the ancient Hindu spiritual texts–The Vedas 1500-1000 BCE).

  1. Everything is made of energy, and it’s all vibrating at different rates that are measured in frequencies. 

  2. Frequency is the rate at which current changes direction per second, and the movement is always from positive to negative charge and back again setting up a dynamic wave between the two poles. A neutral center exists at the midpoint between the 2 opposing poles. This interplay between the two poles creates a field of energy which surrounds them, and is measurable

  3. We tend to think of frequency as restricted to things we can perceive with our physical senses such as light (colour) and sound. Thoughts have frequencies that influence the person having them, the people in direct connection to them through physical proximity or through emotional bonding.

  4. A common theory– somewhat disputed by certain branches of science–posits that there exists an energetic matrix that connects and interpenetrates all things and as such there is also a group consciousness that is affected by and in turn affects individuals.  How we think and feel are a part of the worldwide energy that is unfolding even beyond our direct involvement through politics, environment, and social awareness. This is a widely-held theory based on an esoteric belief in a unified field of consciousness. The science of quantum entanglement suggest that ‘particles are inseparable whole’, lending credence to this ancient concept.

  5. The electromagnetic signals throughout the human body create an is an electromagnetic field (bio-field) that is measurable by electronic techniques such as magnetoencephalography (MCG) and with devices such as E-field or H-field sensors. This expands and contracts according to emotional state.

  6. Acupuncture points and meridians are detectable by electronic devices called volt meters.

  7. It has been proven that the heart emits a more significant electromagnetic field than the brain (Morales, Psychology Today, 2020).

  8. The physical body is made up of different frequencies (hertz , Hz) that are supported by the chakra system, which in turn regulates body chemistry and therefore all balance and homeostasis. Emotions directly affect the function of the chakras and their ability to regulate the chemicals/hormones that affect physical and mental well-being.

  9. Physical form is not solid, it’s only a vibrating at a lower frequencies, all slow enough that they can be perceived as ‘material’ and not energy.

  10. Words, musical notes, and colour all vibrate at different rates (frequencies) that exist in nature, including our bodies. These things can positively or negatively affect the energetic frequency of our systems: the ‘physical’ body, state of mind (emotions), and energetic field (attractor field). 

  11. Our mental attitude and emotional state cause changes in the vibrational frequency of the energy field that infuses and surrounds us. It is magnetic in nature.

LAYER 2: Energy & You

All of those concepts in the first layer might seem a tad too theoretical. Take a look at how these concepts show up in the functioning of your physical and mental state as well as how they actually shape your experiences - how they allow you to shape your experiences.

Brief Synopsis: What you think matters because it affects all levels of your experience. You can choose to change how you think. Choice and the ability to choose is where your personal power lies. Self-awareness is the key to change. Asking questions about the nature of your experiences and how your beliefs have affected your experiences is the key to self- awareness. For a deeper understanding of these concepts, read on:

  1. Our personality is only one dimension of our consciousness. We have (are part of) a higher conscious mind that is more directly linked to expanded consciousness and can be accessed and integrated more completely into the personality through the act of deliberate self-awareness.

  2. A higher conscious mind is linked to more compassionate and cooperative values. It is closely identified with soul/spirit, compassion, and unconditional love. 

  3. We are all here to grow through experiencing emotions via interactions and the resulting self-awareness. Self-awareness is enhanced by asking questions about the nature of your experiences (repeated patterns, recurring emotional themes) and by getting curious about why, and how it could possibly be different if you only knew how…

  4. Intention directs energy. Your attitude is a powerful tool you can deliberately alter to direct the energy (align the frequency of your energy) with the kind of experiences you wish to have. 

  5. What you focus on will amplify.

  6. Your brain (reticular activating system) will cause you to notice more of what is most predominant in your conscious mind. What and how you think creates the context of what you experience in life. Change what you think, change what you experience.

  7. Energy is magnetic. Since thought is a form of energy that creates a magnetic field around you, you’ll tend to attract situations and people that are in keeping with what you fill your mind with and how that affects your emotions.

  8. Getting stuck in old stories has a physiological basis linked to chemical addictions and neurological pathways. Both can be changed. Science now proves this. You're not weak for falling into old patterns, you have simply not understood the interplay between the physiology of thought (neural pathways and neuroplasticity), its effect on the health of the body (psychoneuroimmunology), and the emotional tendency for negative fixation (negativity bias as biologically based survival strategy)

  9. The ancient techniques of using music, words, mediation, physical intervention, and natural healing methods are all now being widely recognized by mainstream medicine as being legitimate in their ability to affect well-being on both physical, mental, and emotional levels through affecting the frequency.

  10. Change on one level affects all other levels.

  11. The more levels on which you initiate change, the greater and more long-lasting the change.

  12. Healing/change happens from the top down, from the inside out, from emotion to thought to physical. Healing happens as we change our thinking which affects our nervous system and subsequently our body chemistry and our ability to have a greater intuitive connection to what our system (mind/emotion/body) needs to remain in balance.

  13. You are capable of changing your mood, changing your core beliefs, and liberating yourself from limiting beliefs that restrict your life experience. 

  14.  Everyone has their own path to live, their own rate of growth, and their own doorways into healing, growth, and expanded consciousness. There is not one right way, it’s a journey with many options and tools to explore. Whatever your path is, it begins with a choice to change. The more we approach life with self-compassion, the more enjoyable and smoother the path is!

LAYER 3: The Esoteric & Metaphysical Foundation

This section presents the metaphysical principles that underpin the spiritual language and traditions of most of the ancient cultures, whose languages were speaking of a Divine presence in some form or another and the integrated nature of all life.

For many years this information had been imported into the Western culture predominately through the Eastern and Asian spiritual texts, as well as from tribal (Indigenous) traditions worldwide. It was often ridiculed and was considered to be new age hooey. Gratefully many branches of science have now validated much of the technique and theory presented in those ancient teachings. Those of us who worked with it felt a deep sense of Truth in it and gradually the world caught up in a way that now supports the wisdom it provides for living a balanced life - a life that recognizes the sacred nature of everyday existence. In these ancient traditions, living a spiritual life is not followed merely for the promise of a life in some kind of paradise after the death of the physical body. These traditions are ultimately about being able to live a more fulfilled life here, more in alignment with the energetic state that allows us to positively affect how we experience our lives and how positively we can impact the planet through the environment, community and our personal energy fields.

Dr. John Rosner. John was an Anglican/Episcopal priest and Professor of Religious Studies at Concordia University. He had a fantastic course in which he taught the underlying metaphysical principles that lay at the root of the world's major religions, including those spiritual traditions that existed in Indigenous cultures far beyond the formalized religions as the Western world would have defined them. There are underlying principles that support these different traditions of honoring the sacred in some form or other. They are described and codified differently from culture to culture, but the underlying concepts are so closely aligned as to seem to come from the same source.

The magnificent thing is they are truly is based on the understanding of energy and it’s flow, not only in our universe but in our physical world, our planet, and our bodies. There are many explanations and templates describing the nature of energy. Some of them are more metaphorical and rather poetic. What I’ve been fascinated with is the interplay between metaphysics, biology, psychology, and spirituality. All of these are merely templates through which we can assess what the patterns are, where they are imbalanced, and where they are capable of change. We will all be drawn more to one template than another. It will make sense at a level that allows us to access the wisdom of it. That doesn’t mean that we can’t understand other templates once we’ve grasped the basic concept that resonates with us. The underlying truths are there, within all of the templates.

What follows below is considered to be one of the oldest esoteric codifications of these concepts. It comes in the form of seven principles that are laid out in the Hermetic Philosophy. These speak very specifically of the physical quality of energy and how it functions. Then, I’ll present you with the 12 universal laws that are typically associated with the path of expansion into higher consciousness and are accepted as such by most spiritual seekers, even though they’re not ascribed to any specific source. While many of you may not be interested in these particular templates, their concepts concepts are integrated in different ways through the key concepts that have already been presented in layer one and layer two. But for those of you who are fascinated, as I am, with the esoteric nature of existence on this planet I encourage you to read on and follow up in any way that excites your curiosity. For those of you who are interested in looking further, I recommend the works of Neil Douglas-Klotz and other Aramaic Scholars. When the holy books are translated more literally, from the original Aramaic language, the energetic nature of the scriptures is undeniable and changes the meaning considerably. For now, I offer you the following:

The Seven Hermetic Principles as Described in The Kybalion

  1. The Principle of Mentalism

    “The ALL is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”

  2. The Principle of Correspondence

    “As Above, So Below; as Below, so Above.”

  3. The Principle of Vibration.

    "Nothing rests; everything moves: everything vibrates.”

  4. The Principle of Polarity.

    "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has paired opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

  5. The Principle of Rhythm

    “Everything flows, out and in; Everything Has its tides; All Things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests and everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.” 

  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.

    “Every cause has its Effect; Every Effect has its Cause; Everything happens according to the Law; Chance is but a name for a Law not recognized; There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”

  7. The Principle of Gender.

    “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

For detailed explanations of how these principles manifest in the various different levels, please refer to the source for these quotes:

The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy by Three Initiates

The Kybalion: A study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. The Yoga Publication Society, Masonic Temple, Chicago Illinois. Copyright 1912, Yoga Publication Society Copyright, 1940. Chapter 2 pages 25 - 41

12 Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws include the seven Hermetic principles combined with an additional 5. They have a slightly different emphasis and are written in a much simpler form. It’s generally considered that they are consistent with the essential teaching of many ancient esoteric philosophies. They are described as being intangible, timeless, and boundless. As with the seven Hermetic Philosophies, they are considered to be a form of codifying the intrinsic laws of how the Universe functions. The main premise is that the Universe and everything in it is connected and influenced by (is made from) a spiritual force. The language is based on an understanding of the physical qualities of energy itself and the various ways it operates within different dimensions. It provides a template for how the laws function and how they can be affected and influenced with the use of deliberate intention and aligned action.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness. Stated simply everything is connected and made manifest by the mind of Divine presence.

  2. Law of Vibration. Everything has a unique vibrational frequency

  3. Law of Attraction. What is like unto itself is drawn.

  4. Law of Correspondence. As Above So Below.

  5. Law of Action. Manifestation requires aligned action

  6. Law of Cause and Effect. Every action has a consequence.

  7. Law of Compensation. We are rewarded for “right action”.

  8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. Energy is always moving and always changing.

  9. Law of Relativity. Everything is related to everything.

  10. Law of Polarity. There are two sides to everything.

  11. Law of Rhythm. Nothing is permanent

  12. Law of Gender. Manifestation requires a balance of Energies. (Yin and Yang)

    Further explanation of the nature of these laws is covered clearly in: 12 Universal Laws by Manhardeep Singh - self-published, available through Amazon

You might find that the essence of any of these laws or philosophies have provided a foundation for spiritual exercises you’ve already discovered. They are so very foundational to the idea of expanding personal consciousness that they’re often presented within systems that re-frame them according to their particular energetic or spiritual template. They certainly can serve as valid points of contemplation and meditation simply as they’re presented here.

The work on this website includes aspects of them, though they’re not necessarily defined as such when they appear in the cards or the website content. Keep an eye out for some exercises coming soon. They’ll more directly explore the operation of these laws in our daily lives and how to harness the ethical use of personal power available to us through the understanding of them.