Grounding is Grrreat: Quick Tips and Why We Want Them
More on the power of grounding in other locations. For now, just know that when you ground your energy it means that you’re deliberately creating a stronger current of energy through your body. It’s like cleaning the ends of a battery so that there’s a better charge. For you, this means; more vitality; better memory; clarity of thought; less distracted; focus more easily; more emotionally stable; more calm, more connected to what your body needs; more naturally intuitive; more naturally self-aware. Every system of your body has access with which it can perform its essential functions.
Essential Earth: The Sacred Connection and the Key to Self-Awareness
Let’s consider the earth element as that which provides the psychological structure through which we perceive and interact with humanity. This is rooted in how we perceive ourselves and how that affects our place within the world and its social structures.
Curiosity, Questions, Answers and Awareness
Anyone who’s known cats, knows that for every fluffy brain that exists, there are those magnificent felines who understand life at a level far deeper than most humans will know. While I’ve seen my beloved do amazing leaps into seeming nothingness as I hold my breath, the only result it’s ever had has been to land her gracefully on a ‘special’ shelf or garner her a fly for a snack. I believe that this old adage comes from those people in power who find it threatened by those who would dare to question the status quo that keeps them inviolate.
Duct Tape Days—Resource or Reprimand
Some days you just don't feel like you have the energy to do anything. You don't have the motivation or you don't have the clarity. Some days you're tired and you feel like you’ve kind of lost the plot of the bigger, better picture you've been imagining for yourself and your life. What felt like something wonderful to imagine and build yesterday is out the window and all you feel able to manage is a little emotional duct tape to keep it together. It's so easy to get down on ourselves when that happens. I believe that this is how, why and where many of us plateau.
Resistance: A Flashlight Into Your Shadowy Places
What is resistance and how do we experience it? If you look at it scientifically it's really talking about a force of energy coming into contact with another energy that is either stationary or moving in the opposite direction. To simplify it, think of it as a situation where something has stopped some kind of flow or has slowed it down to the point of causing friction. But what does that look like when it shows up in your daily life?
A Non-Sectarian Approach to the Everyday Sacred
I have finally come to understand why this deck of cards and all that will stem from it is important. I understand why self awareness is key to changing everything in us and on this planet. I realized that this is fundamentally what I'm talking about with everything I offer and if I look at the subtext on the title of my cards it really fits.
The Trifecta of Self-Awareness (and why we want it!)
We are all manifesting all the time and this is the model I’d like people to understand in terms of why self-awareness is important. Even if we look at manifestation without any belief in energetics or metaphysical realities we can see that we are all creating our own lives. It happens on many levels, but even at the most basic it’s pretty obvious.
Happiness Breadcrumbs: My Breadcrumb Journey and the Role of Self-Awareness
It has been my great privilege to accompany many people on their journey of self-discovery over the years. I started out doing so as a clairvoyant medium, then as an energy worker. Now I’m returning to mediumship, clairvoyance and channeling in an expanded capacity that the understanding and application of grounded and balanced energy now supports.
Fixing the “Fix Myself” Syndrome: A Prevalent Attitude
One of the early and most stubborn pieces of me I’ve struggled with as I’ve journeyed along the path of deliberate self-awareness is this; the acknowledgement of the limiting aspects of my personality were held within a framework of fixing something bad rather than held within the framework of self-compassion and a expansive attitude of benign curiosity about what this limitation could reveal that would make life…happier, easier, more fulfilling, more relaxed…you get the idea. Trying to make myself better was actually the cornerstone of the problem, because it was based on seeing myself as flawed or broken.